How To Observe Your Spiritual Growth?


A human being just like you want to experience freedom in life. For that you have been searching about ways to find real freedom and worked in 9 to 5 jobs to ascertain the freedom want to achieve. But somehow you are getting more away from it.

Why Spirituality Must Be Taught?

This is a very fundamental question before be begin in spirituality, to address this issue the Trial of the Self page have written an extensive detailed understanding on why it must be thought.

Why One Must Grow Spiritually?

The short answer is to address the discomfort and misery that we have created and sort it out and reach the place what we all want is known as happiness. When all the misery and dilemma in life is addresses and you take a relaxing breath, at that moment you have achieved happiness in your life.


To understand spiritual growth you have to develop the method of observing each and everything you come cross. Therefore, one must see and contemplate and then act accordingly in all stature of life to achieve happiness.


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